Monday, April 28, 2014

April 28, 2014

Okay so this week was awesome! Ella you don't have to worry about the ward spliting! You know what it means? you are just going to have invite more non members to mutual and introduze them to the missonaries! :) I promise you that the happiness is HUGE when you help other know what you know to be true!  It was great to hear from Monica with all the pictures and Nice moves ryan cleaning the shower! haha yes I liked the things for the baby boy! Whoo Hoo! It is great to see how you all look since it has been a little while since I saw everyone! Mom It is funny that you talk about the russian couple this week because Tomorrow we will FINALLY go to the temple! I am so EXCITED! And well Dad I am so happy to hear that Mike went to church! Whoo and Bishop Baczuk is really helping out in his progress! so Mother is coming! it is on the 11th of may! When would be a good time to call? I will have 45 minutes. and as well because I will be going to the temple tomorrow, if you could put a little bit of money on my card, it would be great! :) they have a store at the temple.

So Mom asked about how it is going with the changes with companions. But, really it is good! Elder Foster, who is from Michigan, is very humble, excited, and supportive! That is the thing I love about training a new missionary! they have that Greenie Fire! It has been great serving with him but I am not sure if I will finish his training. transfers are coming up next week and after 10 months, I don't think I have much of a chance to stay in Pinhais! But we shall see this coming week! this week I was reminded how blessed we are. The Lord simply asks us to do little things everyday! and it is through those Little things that people can stay on course. Reading your scriptures, speaking with the Lord, and serving others gives us the force to withstand all forces of Satan. May we willing do these simple things and see miracles come to pass! I testify that as you do these things the Spirit with fill every part of life and that is the greatest gift, to Feel the love of God in your life!

Love Elder Bell

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